Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sick to Death of Politics

Sick & Homeless

If you've already voted
studied the twisted
deceiving language
of amendments and propositions
trying to trick gentle
people into voting for
something they are against
tired of the tired phrases

did you know that squeaking
by with minimum payments
losing sleep in the crunch some
filthy wealthy robber barons
have designed to take the
little that's left us by manufacturing
what we call money but that no
longer stands for anything
but greed we need change
all right Obama, change you've
never dreamed of maybe change
almost none of us have dreamed of

well Martin had a dream and they
killed him as soon as he started
talking about economic justice
far from the comfortable rhetoric
of white liberals who love
counting their coup
walking over the dead bodies
of the sick and unemployed
my question is not do we need
change, but why have we not
taken to the streets in rage
dumped the suits out of their
gilded cages and taken our sick
and homeless selves into our own arms?