So, Congress and George W. will meet with the Dali Lama come hell or high water or a huge objection from China. How do great powers, mostly led by old men, get off on pretending they did not do away with a sovereign nation? We did it most recently with Iraq and China did it so long ago with Tibet, it feels more like a bumper sticker campaign than a nation with an ancient history and a vibrant culture. Will we launch a bumper sticker campaign for Iraq? Free Iraq with some photo of some antiquity needlessly destroyed or peed on by some American troops in need of entertainment, housed with some priceless artifacts of all of our past?
Can't blame the Dali Lama, I guess. Shaking hands with the devil might be more prudent than pretending he doesn't exist. What does this mean for a born again Christian who sees Buddhisms as anti-heaven, God and Jesus? Maybe G.W. just wants anyway he can come up with to be associated with something popular in this country.
I for one am in awe of the Dali Lama for not wanting to destroy China. He inspires people all over the world. I have to say, looking around, though, we're not doing all that well with his teachings. Wonder what he'll say to G.W. One thing for sure, it won't be, "Way to go buddy."
What I would say to G.W. would probably get bleeped. For now, I'm going to work on staying on the Gandhi side. Got any suggestions?